Camembert Plugin mixin
- addSyntaxRule
Void addSyntaxRule(Str name, File fogFile, Str[] exts)
Add an extra synatx support (fogFile) for given extensions Will only do anyhting if the fogFile doesn't exist yet in
- commands
abstract PluginCommands? commands()
Plugin execution commands implemntation
- createSpace
abstract Space createSpace(Project project)
Return a space for the project
- docProvider
virtual PluginDocs? docProvider()
Documentation provider for this plugin or null if none
- envType
abstract Type? envType()
Env impl for the plugin
- iconForFile
virtual Image? iconForFile(File dir)
Return an Item if the this plugin has an icon for the file null otherwise
- isCustomPrj
virtual Bool isCustomPrj(File dir, Str type)
Check if the given folder is a "forced" project of a given type
- isIndexing
virtual Bool isIndexing()
Returns true if the project supports indexing and is currently indexing.
- name
virtual Str name()
Returns a unique name for this plugin
- onChangedProjects
virtual Void onChangedProjects(Project[] projects, Bool clearall := false)
Called whenever new/updated projects are found (to be reindexed) ClearAll can be set to tel the plugin to clear the index fully first
- onFileSaved
virtual Void onFileSaved(File f)
Called when a file is saved
- onFrameReady
virtual Void onFrameReady(Frame f, Bool initial := true)
Called once Camembert is ready to use (frame built) Good place to add menu items if any It can be called again (with initail=false) after a complete "Reload config" event
- onInit
virtual Void onInit(File configDir)
Called as soon as camembert starts up (before doing anything)
- onShutdown
virtual Void onShutdown(Bool isKill := false)
Called at the end of shutdown for cleanup purposes Might be called twice, once a "Soft" shutdown (isKill = false) and then a gain a hard kill (isKill = true)
- prjProps
- projectFinder
abstract |Uri->Project? projectFinder()
Function that return a project item if the given folder is deemed a project by the plugin This function will be called a lot, so keep efficient
- readConfig
virtual PluginConfig? readConfig(Sys newSys)
Returns the setting object for the given plugin Called any time config is (re)loaded
- spacePriority
virtual Int spacePriority(Project project)
If this plugin provides a custom space, return the priority of this space for a given project. Zero otherwise