sys::Obj captcha302::CaptchaImpl : captcha302::CaptchaWriter
A (somewhat lame) captcha writer implementation It is quite configurable and draws a variable number of chars with variable scales It also draws some lines under and over the chars to make it a bit harder to read
- bgColor
Color bgColor := Color.white
- charLines
- charScale
Range charScale := 4..6
- charStroke
Range charStroke := 5..9
- chars
virtual override Int[] chars := "ACDEFGHJKLNPRTXY346".chars
Avoiding characters that are look alike like i, l, 1, 0, o etc ..
- codeLength
Range codeLength := 4..4
- create
virtual override Image302 create(CaptchaCode code)
- height
Int height := 100
- make
new make(|This? f)
- maxBgStrokeSize
Int maxBgStrokeSize := 4
- maxFgStrokeSize
Int maxFgStrokeSize := 4
- nbBgLines
Int nbBgLines := 10
- nbFgLines
Int nbFgLines := 10
- next
Int next()
- options
- r
Random r := Random.makeSecure
- randomCode
virtual override CaptchaCode randomCode()
- randomColor
- uniqueColor
Color uniqueColor(Color[] curColors, Int alpha := 200)
get a random color that is not too much like another
- width
Int width := 300