// Copyright (c) 2014, Novant LLC
// Licensed under the MIT License
// History:
//   10 Sep 2014  Andy Frank  Creation

using concurrent

** CronService
const class CronService : Service

// Constructor

  ** Constructor.
  new make(|This|? f := null)
    if (f != null) f(this)

  ** Directory for job config and logs.
  const File dir := Env.cur.workDir + `cron/`

  ** Number of logs to keep per job.
  const Int jobLogLimit := 30

  ** Start service.
  override Void onStart() { actor.send(CronMsg("init")) }

  ** Stop service will block until all jobs are complete.
  override Void onStop()

// Jobs

  ** List current jobs.
  [Str:Obj?][] jobs()

  ** Add a CronJob to this service.
  This addJob(Str name, Method method, Obj schedule)
    // allow "unwrapped" schedule string
    CronSchedule? s
    try  { s = schedule as CronSchedule ?: CronSchedule(schedule) }
    catch (Err err) throw ArgErr("Invalid scheulde arg '$schedule'")

    // queue add job message
    actor.send(CronMsg("add", CronJob(name, method, s))).get(5sec)
    return this

  ** Remove given job from service.
  This removeJob(Str name)
    actor.send(CronMsg("remove", name)).get(5sec)
    return this

// Actor

  private const Actor actor := Actor(ActorPool { name="CronService" })
    |msg| { actorReceive(msg) }

  private const ActorPool jobPool := ActorPool { name="CronService-Jobs" }

  private Obj? actorReceive(CronMsg msg)
    if (msg.op == "init") return onInit

    cx := Actor.locals["cx"] as CronCx
    if (cx == null) throw IOErr("CronService not started -- call start() first")

    switch (msg.op)
      case "list":   return onList(cx)
      case "add":    return onAdd(cx, msg.a)
      case "remove": return onRemove(cx, msg.a)
      case "check":  return onCheck(cx)
      case "clean":  return onClean(cx)
      default: throw ArgErr("Unknown op: $msg.op")

  ** Init service.
  private Obj? onInit()
    Actor.locals["cx"] = CronCx()
    actor.sendLater(checkFreq, checkMsg)
    actor.sendLater(cleanFreq, cleanMsg)"CronService started")
    return null

  ** List jobs and state.
  private Obj? onList(CronCx cx)
    list := Obj[,] |job|
      map := Str:Obj?[:] { ordered=true }
      map["name"]     =
      map["method"]   = job.method
      map["schedule"] = job.schedule
      map["lastRun"]  = cx.lastRun[job]
    return list.toImmutable

  ** Add a new job.
  private Obj? onAdd(CronCx cx, CronJob job)
    if ( throw Err("Job already exists: $")

    // add job

    // look up job.props
    props := dir + `$${}.props`
    if (props.exists)
      map := props.readProps
      ts  := DateTime.fromStr(map["lastRun"] ?: "", false)
      cx.lastRun[job] = ts
    }"job added: $job")
    return null

  ** Remove a job.
  private Obj? onRemove(CronCx cx, Str name)
    job := |j| { == name }
    if (job != null)
    {"job removed: $job")
    return null

  ** Check if any jobs need to run.
  private Obj? onCheck(CronCx cx)
      now := |job|
        if (job.schedule.trigger(now, cx.lastRun[job]))
          cx.lastRun[job] = now
          CronJobActor(jobPool, this, job, now).send(null)
    catch (Err err) { log.err("Check failed", err) }
    finally { actor.sendLater(checkFreq, checkMsg) }
    return null

  private Obj? onClean(CronCx cx)
    { |job|
        logs := (dir + `$`).listFiles.findAll |f| { f.ext == "log" }
        if (logs.size > jobLogLimit)
          logs.sort |a,b| { a.modified <=> b.modified }
          logs.eachRange(0..<(logs.size-jobLogLimit)) |f| { f.delete }
    catch (Err err) { log.err("Clean failed", err) }
    finally { actor.sendLater(cleanFreq, cleanMsg) }
    return null

  private const Log log := Log.get("cron")

  private const Duration checkFreq := 1sec
  private const Duration cleanFreq := 1hr
  private const CronMsg checkMsg := CronMsg("check")
  private const CronMsg cleanMsg := CronMsg("clean")

** CronCx

** CronCx manages the runtime state of cron jobs inside CronService.
internal class CronCx
  ** Job list.
  CronJob[] jobs := [,]

  ** Last run map.
  CronJob:DateTime lastRun := [:]

** CronMsg

internal const class CronMsg
  new make(Str op, Obj? a := null, Obj? b := null)
    this.op = op
    this.a  = a
    this.b  = b
  const Str op
  const Obj? a
  const Obj? b