** Title: V3d
** Author: Fernando Raya
** Created: 12 Dec 16
** Copyright: Copyright (c) 2016, Fernando Raya
** License: MIT

** 'V3d' represents a three dimension vector with 'Float' coordinates
** 'x', 'y' and 'z'.
** 'V3d' has the following operators overloaded:
** - Addition: 'a + b' given 'a' and 'b' of 'V3d' type.
** - Substraction: 'a - b' given 'a' and 'b' of 'V3d' type.
** - Negation: '-a' given 'a' of 'V3d' type.
** - Scalar multiplication: 'a * n' given 'n' of type 'Float' or 'Int'
** - Scalar division: 'a / n' given 'n' of type 'Float'
** References
** **********
** - ``
** - ``
** - ``
** - ``
const class V3d
  ** 'x' coordinate
  const Float x

  ** 'y' coordinate
  const Float y
  ** 'z' coordinate
  const Float z

  ** Vector with all components initialized to 0.0f
  const static V3d zero := V3d(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
  ** Make a new vector
  new make(Float x, Float y, Float z)
    this.x = x
    this.y = y
    this.z = z

  ** Add a vector to 'this'. Shortcut is 'this + that'
  This plus(V3d that)
    V3d(x + that.x, y + that.y, z + that.z)

  ** Negation. 
  ** Shortcut is '-a'
  This negate()
    V3d(-x, -y, -z)

  ** Substract that from 'this'. 
  ** Shortcut is 'this - that'
  This minus(V3d that)
    V3d(x - that.x, y - that.y, z - that.z)

  ** Multiplication by a scalar.
  ** Shortcut is 'this * 3.0f'
  This multFloat(Float n)
    V3d(x * n, y * n, z * n)

  ** Multiplication by a scalar.
  ** Equivalent to 'multFloat(n.toFloat)'.
  ** Shortcut is 'this * 3'
  This multInt(Int n)
    this * n.toFloat

  ** Division by a scalar.
  ** Shortcut is 'this / 3.0f'
  This divFloat(Float n)
    V3d(x / n, y / n, z / n)

  ** Dot product
  Float dot(V3d that)
    (x * that.x) + (y * that.y) + (z * that.z)
  ** Sum of the squared components 'x', 'y' and 'z'
  Float squared()

  ** Length of the vector obtained from Pythagoras's theorem.
  Float magnitude()
  ** Cross product
  V3d cross(V3d that)
      y * that.z - z * that.y,
      z * that.x - x * that.z,
      x * that.y - y * that.x
  ** Absolute value, alias for 'magnitude'
  Float abs()
  ** Size, alias for 'magnitude'
  Float size()
  ** Is the unit vector?
  ** 'true' if 'magnitude' is 1.0f, 'false' otherwise.
  Bool isUnit()
    magnitude == 1.0f

  ** Distance of 'this' to 'that'
  Float distance(V3d that)
    (this - that).magnitude

  ** 'true' if is instance of 'V3d' and the coordinates are equal
  override Bool equals(Obj? that)
    if (that isnot V3d) return false
    other := (V3d) that
    return x == other.x && y == other.y && z == other.z
  ** Comparison of vectors is based in their magnitudes
  override Int compare(Obj that)
    other := (V3d) that
  override Int hash()
    // TODO: Just guessing

  ** Show the vector as a 'Str' '(x,y,z)'
  override Str toStr()