// Copyright (c) 2012, Brian Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   22 Apr 12  Brian Frank  Creation

using gfx
using fwt
using syntax
using concurrent

** ChangeStack
class ChangeStack
  new make()
    this.changes = Change[,]
    this.curChange = -1

  ** Push a Change onto the stack.
  Void push(Change change)
    // everything has been undone -- reset stack
    if (curChange == -1)
      changes = [,]
    // at least one change has been undone -- truncate stack
    else if (curChange < changes.size - 1)
      changes = changes[0..curChange]
    // nothing has been undone -- proceed 'normally'
      if (change is SimpleChange)
        simple := change as SimpleChange
        // Maybe we can merge this change with the previous one.
        // This represents an 'in-progress' edit that is inserting
        // characters sequentially.
        top := changes.peek as SimpleChange
        if (isAtomicUndo(top, simple))
          changes[-1] = SimpleChange(top.pos, top.oldText, top.newText+simple.newText)
    curChange = changes.size - 1
  private Bool isAtomicUndo(SimpleChange? a, SimpleChange b)
    if (a == null) return false
    if (a.oldText.size > 0) return false
    if (b.newText.size > 1) return false
    if (a.pos.line != b.pos.line) return false
    return a.pos.col + a.newText.size == b.pos.col

  ** Undo a change.  Do nothing if all change have
  ** already been undone.
  Void onUndo(Editor editor)
    if (curChange == -1) return
    c := changes[curChange--]

  ** Redo a change.  Do nothing if all change have
  ** already been redone.
  Void onRedo(Editor editor)
    if (curChange == changes.size - 1) return
    c := changes[++curChange]
  ** Debug dump of the ChangeStack.
  internal Void dump(OutStream out := Env.cur.out)
    out.printLine("==== ChangeStack.dump ===")
    changes.each |Change change| { out.printLine(change.toStr) }

  private Change[] changes
  // this points to the last change that was executed
  private Int curChange

** Change
abstract const class Change
  abstract Void execute(Editor editor)
  abstract Void undo(Editor editor)

** SimpleChange
const class SimpleChange : Change
  new make(Pos pos, Str oldText, Str newText)
    this.pos     = pos
    this.oldText = oldText
    this.newText = newText
  override Str toStr()
    "[SimpleChange pos:$pos oldText:'$oldText' newText:'$newText']"

  const Pos pos
  const Str oldText
  const Str newText

  override Void execute(Editor editor)
    doc := editor.doc
    end := doc.offsetToPos(doc.posToOffset(pos) + oldText.size)
    replaceText(editor, Span(pos, end), newText)

  override Void undo(Editor editor)
    doc := editor.doc
    end := doc.offsetToPos(doc.posToOffset(pos) + newText.size)
    replaceText(editor, Span(pos, end), oldText)

  ** replace whatever is in the given span with the given text
  private Void replaceText(Editor editor, Span span, Str text)
    newPos := editor.doc.modify(span, text)

** BatchChange
const class BatchChange : Change
  new make(Change[] changes) { this.changes = changes }
  const Change[] changes
  override Str toStr()
    "[BatchChange changes:$changes]"

  override Void execute(Editor editor)
    changes.each |c| { c.execute(editor) }

  override Void undo(Editor editor)
    changes.eachr |c| { c.undo(editor) }