// Copyright (c) 2012, Brian Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   2 Jun 12  Brian Frank  Creation

using gfx
using fwt

** Panel is the fundamental scrollable pane used to contain
** an Editor and ItemLists
abstract class Panel : Canvas

// Construction

  new make()
    this.doubleBuffered = true
    onMouseDown.add  |e| { mouseDown(e) }
    onMouseMove.add  |e| { mouseMove(e) }
    onMouseUp.add    |e| { mouseUp(e) }
    onMouseWheel.add |e| { mouseWheel(e) }

// Overrides

  ** Total number of lines
  abstract Int lineCount()

  ** Height of each line
  abstract Int lineh()

  ** Total number of columns
  abstract Int colCount()

  ** Width of each column
  abstract Int colw()

  ** Get inclusive range of lines current in viewport
  Range viewportLines()
    startLine ..

  ** Get inclusive range of columns current in viewport
  Range viewportCols()
    startCol ..

  ** Scroll so given line is top of viewport
  Void scrollToLine(Int startLine)
    this.startLine = startLine
    lastSize = Size.defVal

  ** Scroll so given column is top of viewport
  Void scrollToCol(Int startCol)
    this.startCol = startCol
    lastSize = Size.defVal

// Point <-> Position

  ** Point position to logical line
  Int yToLine(Int y) { startLine + ( }

  ** Point position to logical columns
  Int xToCol(Int x) { startCol + (x-margin.left)/colw}

  ** Convert logical column to x coordinate
  Int colToX(Int col) { margin.left + (col - startCol) * colw }

  ** Convert logical line to y coordinate
  Int lineToY(Int line) { + (line - startLine) * lineh }

// Layout

  override Size prefSize(Hints hints := Hints.defVal)
    return Size(200, 200)

  private Void doLayout()
    // compute easy stuff
    numLines := this.lineCount
    numCols := this.colCount
    this.visibleLines = (((size.h - margin.toSize.h) / lineh)).min(numLines)
    this.visibleCols  = (size.w - margin.toSize.w) / colw

    // check if startLine needs adjusting
    maxStartLine := (numLines - visibleLines).max(0)
    if (startLine >= maxStartLine) this.startLine = maxStartLine
    if (startLine >= numLines) startLine = numLines - 1
    if (visibleLines >= numLines) startLine = 0
    if (startLine < 0) startLine = 0

    // now we know end line
    this.endLine = startLine + visibleLines
    if (endLine >= numLines) endLine = numLines - 1

    // check if startCol needs adjusting
    maxStartCol := (numCols - visibleCols + 1).max(0)
    if (startCol >= maxStartCol) this.startCol = maxStartCol
    if (startCol < 0) startCol = 0

    // now we know end col
    this.endCol = startCol + visibleCols
    if (endCol >= numCols) endCol = numCols - 1

    // compute/limit size of vertical thumb
    if (visibleLines >= numLines) this.vthumb = null
      vthumb1 := (startLine.toFloat / numLines.toFloat * size.h).toInt
      vthumb2 := ((startLine + visibleLines).toFloat   / numLines.toFloat * size.h).toInt
      vthumbh := vthumb2 - vthumb1
      if (vthumbh < thumbMin) vthumbh = thumbMin
      if (vthumb1 + vthumbh >= size.h) vthumb1 = size.h - vthumbh - 1
      this.vthumb = Rect(size.w - vthumbw-1, vthumb1, vthumbw, vthumbh)

    // compute/limit size of horizontal thumb
    if (visibleCols >= numCols) this.hthumb = null
      hthumb1 := (startCol.toFloat / numCols.toFloat * size.w).toInt
      hthumb2 := (endCol.toFloat   / numCols.toFloat * size.w).toInt
      hthumbw := hthumb2 - hthumb1
      if (hthumbw < thumbMin) hthumbw = thumbMin
      if (hthumb1 + hthumbw >= size.w) hthumb1 = size.w - hthumbw - 1
      this.hthumb = Rect(hthumb1, size.h - hthumbh, hthumbw, hthumbh)

// Painting

  override final Void onPaint(Graphics g)
    if (lastSize != this.size || lastLineCount != this.lineCount)
      lastLineCount = lineCount
      lastSize = size

    // background
    g.antialias = true
    w := size.w; h := size.h
    g.brush = wallpaperColor
    g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h)
    g.brush = viewportColor
    g.fillRoundRect(0, 0, w-1, h-1, 10, 10)

    // viewport
    if (lineCount > 0)
      g.translate(margin.left - startCol*colw,
      onPaintLines(g, viewportLines)

    // vertical scrollbar gutters
    if (vthumb != null)
      g.brush = gutterColor
      g.fillRoundRect(vthumb.x, 0, vthumb.w, size.h-1, 10, 10)
      g.fillRect(vthumb.x, 0, 5, size.h-1)
      g.brush = gutterBorder
      g.drawLine(vthumb.x, 0, vthumb.x, size.h)

    // horizontal scrollbar gutter
    if (hthumb != null)
      g.brush = gutterColor
      g.fillRect(1, hthumb.y, size.w-2, hthumb.h)
      g.brush = gutterBorder
      g.drawLine(1, hthumb.y, size.w-2, hthumb.y)

    // border corners
    g.brush = borderColor
    g.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w-1, h-1, 10, 10)

    // vertical thumb
    if (vthumb != null)
      g.brush = thumbColor
      g.fillRoundRect(vthumb.x, vthumb.y, vthumb.w, vthumb.h, 10, 10)

    // hozitonal thumb
    if (hthumb != null)
      g.brush = thumbColor
      g.fillRoundRect(hthumb.x, hthumb.y, hthumb.w, hthumb.h, 10, 10)

  ** Paint the background
  virtual Void onPaintBackground(Graphics g) {}

  ** Paint the viewport's given range of lines.  The viewport
  ** is already translated for scroll position so that 0,0 represents
  ** the top, left corner of current scroll line/col.
  abstract Void onPaintLines(Graphics g, Range lines)

// Eventing

  private Void mouseDown(Event e)
    pos := e.pos
    if (vthumb != null && vthumb.contains(pos.x, pos.y))
      vdrag = pos.y - vthumb.y
    if (hthumb != null && hthumb.contains(pos.x, pos.y))
      hdrag = pos.x - hthumb.x

  private Void mouseMove(Event e)
    pos := e.pos
    if (vdrag != null)
      thumby := pos.y - vdrag
      line := ((thumby.toFloat / size.h.toFloat) * lineCount.toFloat).toInt
    if (hdrag != null)
      thumbx := pos.x - hdrag
      col := ((thumbx.toFloat / size.w.toFloat) * colCount.toFloat).toInt

  private Void mouseUp(Event e)
    if (vdrag != null) { e.consume; vdrag = null }
    if (hdrag != null) { e.consume; hdrag = null }

  internal Void mouseWheel(Event e)
    if ( != 0)
      scrollToLine(startLine +

// Fields

  Color wallpaperColor := Desktop.sysBg
  Color viewportColor  := Color.white
  Color borderColor    := Color(0x88_88_88)
  Color gutterColor    := Color(0xee_ee_ee)
  Color gutterBorder   := Color(0xdd_dd_dd)
  Color thumbColor     := Color(0xbb_bb_bb)

  Insets margin := Insets(6, 6, 6, 6)
  Int vthumbw   := 9
  Int hthumbh   := 9
  Int thumbMin  := 30

  private Size lastSize := Size.defVal // check for layout
  private Int lastLineCount            // last number of lines
  private Int startLine                // line at top of viewport
  private Int endLine                  // line at bottom of viewport
  private Int startCol                 // column at left of viewport
  private Int endCol                   // column at right of viewport
  private Int visibleLines             // num viewable lines
  private Int visibleCols              // num viewable columns
  private Rect? vthumb                 // vertical thumb
  private Rect? hthumb                 // horizontal thumb
  private Int? vdrag                   // if drag in progress
  private Int? hdrag                   // if drag in progress