const classstudsTools::AsmCmd
sys::Obj studsTools::Cmd studsTools::AsmCmd
Assemble project.
- assemble
Assemble firmware image for target.
- buildJre
Build compact JRE for target.
- faninitRetired
const static Str:Str faninitRetired := [:].setList(["fs.mount"])
List of retired faninit prop names
- genKeys
Void genKeys()
Generate firmware signing keys.
- helpFull
virtual const override Str? helpFull := ...
- helpShort
virtual const override Str helpShort := "Assemble project"
- installSystem
Void installSystem(System sys)
Download and install the system configuration for target.
- name
virtual const override Str name := "asm"
- podDefBlacklist
const static Str[] podDefBlacklist := ...
Blacklist of pods to remove from app staging.
- run
virtual override Int run()
- sig
virtual const override Str sig := "[target]* [--clean]"
- tempDir
const File tempDir := Env.cur().workDir() + `studs/temp/`
Temp working directory.