// Copyright (c) 2016, Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Apache License version 2.0
// History:
// 22 Aug 2016 Andy Frank Creation
** Create a new project.
const class InitCmd : Cmd
override const Str name := "init"
override const Str sig := "<name>"
override const Str helpShort := "Create a new project"
override const Str? helpFull :=
"<name> Name for new project (must be a valid pod name)"
override Int run()
// validate input
name := args.getSafe(0)
if (name == null) abort("missing arg: name")
if (!isName(name)) abort("invalid arg: name")
// check if dir exists
dir := workDir + `$name/`
if (dir.exists) abort("dir already exists: $dir.osPath")
// prompt to continue
if (!promptYesNo("Init project: $dir.osPath [Yn] ")) return 1
// do it!
macros := ["proj.name":name]
(dir + `src/fan/`).create
(dir + `studs/jres/`).create
(dir + `studs/systems/`).create
(dir + `studs/releases/`).create
apply(typeof.pod.file(`/res/fan.propsx`), macros, dir + `fan.props`)
apply(typeof.pod.file(`/res/faninit.propsx`), macros, dir + `faninit.props`)
apply(typeof.pod.file(`/res/studs.propsx`), macros, dir + `studs.props`)
apply(typeof.pod.file(`/res/build.fanx`), macros, dir + `src/build.fan`, true)
apply(typeof.pod.file(`/res/Main.fanx`), macros, dir + `src/fan/Main.fan`)
return 0
** Return 'true' if string is a valid project name.
Bool isName(Str s)
if (!s[0].isAlpha) return false
if (!s[0].isLower) return false
return s.all |ch| { ch.isAlphaNum || ch == '_' }
** Read given resource file, apply macros, and write results to given target
Void apply(File src, Str:Str macros, File target, Bool exec := false)
in := src.in
out := target.out
// apply macros
in.readAllStr.splitLines.each |s|
macros.each |v,n| { s = s.replace("{{$n}}", v) }
// mark +x
if (exec) Proc.run("chmod +x $target.osPath")
finally { in.close; out.close }