Morphia 1.2.0A Fantom to MongoDB object mapping library
Morphia is a Fantom to MongoDB object mapping library.
Morphia is an extension to the Mongo library that maps Fantom objects and their fields to and from MongoDB collections and documents.
Morphia features include:
- All Fantom literals and BSON types supported by default,
- Support for embedded / nested Fantom objects,
- Extensible mapping - add custom Fantom <-> Mongo converters,
- Query Builder API.
Note: Morphia has no association with Morphia - the Java to MongoDB mapping library. Well, except for the name of course!
To install Morphia with Fantom Pod Manager, cut'n'paste the following into a cmd prompt, terminal or shell:
Or to install Morphia with the Fantom Repository Manager (fanr), cut'n'paste the following into a cmd prompt, terminal or shell:
Or to install manually, download the pod file and copy it to the %FAN_HOME%/lib/fan/
To use Morphia in a Fantom project, add a dependency to the project's
depends = ["sys 1.0", ..., "afMorphia 1.2.0 - 1.2"]
Meta information on the Morphia pod:
- Published by
- Steve Eynon
- Organisation
- Alien-Factory
- Pod file size
- 101.61 kB
- Licence
- ISC Licence (ISC)
- Built on
- 15th Oct 2016
- Source code
- via Mercurial at
- Depends on
- afBeanUtils, afBson, afConcurrent, afIoc, afIocConfig, afMongo, concurrent, inet, sys
- Referenced by
- Javascript Compatible
- No
Dependency Graph
Release History
There have been 23 releases of Morphia: