Bug: Passing null to QueryCriterion.eq() or QueryCriterion.notEq() resulted in an NPE.
Chg: Query.field() & QueryExecutor.orderBy() may now take an actual entity field instance.
Chg: Lists returned from Datastore.findAll() are now of the datatype, not Obj.
Chg: Exposed Converters.get().
Chg: Added hook to ObjConverter that collects all property fields.
Bug: If using a non-BSON type for ID fields, an Err was thrown after an update if the document hadn't changed.
New: Queries mixin to ease Query construction.
Chg: Converter.toMongo() now takes a Type param as the fantomObj arg may now be nullable. This allows null Fantom objects to be represented by non-null Mongo objects. (Breaking change.)