using afIoc
using afIocConfig::Config
using afBson::ObjectId

** (Service) - Converts Fantom objects to and from their Mongo representation.
** Contribute 'Converter' instances to this.
**   syntax: fantom
**   @Contribute { serviceType=Converters# }
**   static Void contributeConverters(Configuration config) {
**       config[MyType#] = MyTypeConverter()
**   } 
** @uses a Configuration of 'Type:Converter' where 'Type' is what the 'Converter', um, converts.
const mixin Converters {

    ** Converts a Mongo object to the given Fantom type.
    ** 'mongoObj' is nullable so converters can choose whether or not to create empty lists and maps.
    abstract Obj? toFantom(Type fantomType, Obj? mongoObj)

    ** Converts the given Fantom object to its Mongo representation.
    ** 'fantomType' is required in case 'fantomObj' is null. 
    ** 'fantomObj' is nullable so converters can create empty / default objects.
    abstract Obj? toMongo(Type fantomType, Obj? fantomObj)
    ** Returns the 'Converter' instance used to convert the given type. 
    abstract Converter get(Type type)

internal const class ConvertersImpl : Converters {
    private const CachingTypeLookup typeLookup
    new make(Type:Converter converters, |This|in) {
        this.typeLookup = CachingTypeLookup(converters)

    override Obj? toFantom(Type fantomType, Obj? mongoObj) {
        get(fantomType).toFantom(fantomType, mongoObj)

    override Obj? toMongo(Type fantomType, Obj? fantomObj) {
        get(fantomType).toMongo(fantomType, fantomObj)
    override Converter get(Type type) {
        // if a specific converter can't be found then embed a document