Fancom SAPIUser Guide
Fancom Sapi is a complete collection of classes that wrap Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) 5.4 when running Fantom on a JVM.
Making your computer speak couldn't be simpler than:
SpVoice().speak("It's time to kick ass 'n' chew bubble gum!")
A more complete example that initialises proper COM threading, lists available voices, and speaks in the background is:
static Void main(Str[] args) { afFancom::ComThread.initSta spVoice := afFancomSapi::SpVoice() Obj.echo("Available voices:") spVoice.getVoices.each { Obj.echo(" - ${it->getDescription}") } name := spVoice.voice.getDescription.split('-')[0] spVoice.speak("Hello, I'm $name", SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFlagsAsync) concurrent::Actor.sleep(3sec) afFancom::ComThread.release }
Speech Recognition
Speech recognition is a bit more involved as you need to initialise an input stream, register some grammar to listen for and set up an event sink to recieve callbacks. Never the less, a complete example is given below:
using gfx using fwt using afFancom using afFancomSapi class SpeechRecognition { static Void main(Str[] args) { ComThread.initSta spReco := SpInProcRecognizer() recoCtx := spReco.createRecoContext // initialise the input stream / microphone // not needed with an SpSharedRecoContext category := SpObjectTokenCategory() category.setId(SpeechStringConstants.SpeechCategoryAudioIn) token := SpObjectToken() token.setId(category.default_) recoCtx.recognizer.audioInput = token // register some commands to listen for grammar := recoCtx.createGrammar rule := grammar.rules.add("awesome", SpeechRuleAttributes.SRATopLevel) rule.initialState.addWordTransition(null, "Kick Ass") rule.initialState.addWordTransition(null, "Chew Bubblegum") grammar.rules.commit grammar.cmdSetRuleState("awesome", SpeechRuleState.SGDSActive) // register an event sink recoCtx.withEvents(SpeechRecognition()) window := Window { it.size = Size(320, 240) it.title = "Say Kick Ass!" }.open ComThread.release } Void onRecognition(Int streamNumber, Variant streamPosition, SpeechRecognitionType recognitionType, ISpeechRecoResult result) { utterance := result.phraseInfo.getText.capitalize if (utterance.contains("gum")) Obj.echo("Chewing gum.") else Obj.echo("Hur hur, you said, 'Ass'!!!") } }
See ISpeechRecoContext (Events) for a list of possible callback events.
Release Notes
- Enums with values were not auto-generated with a Variant surrogate
static factory method
- Initial release