Fancom Classes for Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) 5.4
SpeechConstants | |
SpeechStringConstants |
ISpeechAudio | Supports the control of real-time audio streams, such as those connected to a live microphone or telephone line. |
ISpeechAudioBufferInfo | Defines the audio stream buffer information. |
ISpeechAudioStatus | Provides control over the operation of real-time audio streams. |
ISpeechBaseStream | Defines properties and methods for manipulating data streams. |
ISpeechDataKey | Provides read and write access to the speech configuration database. |
ISpeechGrammarRule | Defines the properties and methods of a speech grammar rule. |
ISpeechGrammarRuleState | Presents the properties and methods of a speech grammar rule state. |
ISpeechGrammarRuleStateTransition | Returns data about a transition from one rule state to another, or from a rule state to the end of a rule. |
ISpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitions | Represents a collection of ISpeechGrammarRuleStateTransition objects. |
ISpeechGrammarRules | Represents a collection of ISpeechGrammarRule objects. |
ISpeechLexicon | Provides access to a lexicon word. |
ISpeechLexiconPronunciation | Provides access to the pronunciations of a speech lexicon word. |
ISpeechLexiconPronunciations | Represents a collection of ISpeechLexiconPronunciation objects. |
ISpeechLexiconWord | Provides access to a lexicon word. |
ISpeechLexiconWords | Represents a collection of ISpeechLexiconWord objects. |
ISpeechMMSysAudio | Supports audio implementation for the standard Windows wave-in multimedia layer. |
ISpeechObjectTokens | Represents a collection of SpObjectToken objects. |
ISpeechPhraseAlternate | Enables applications to retrieve alternate phrase information from a speech recognition (SR) engine, and to update the SR engine's language model to reflect committed alternate changes. |
ISpeechPhraseAlternates | Is a collection of ISpeechPhraseAlternate objects. |
ISpeechPhraseElement | Provides access to information about a word or phrase. |
ISpeechPhraseElements | Represents a collection of ISpeechPhraseElement objects. |
ISpeechPhraseInfo | Contains properties detailing phrase elements. |
ISpeechPhraseProperties | Represents a collection of ISpeechPhraseProperty objects. |
ISpeechPhraseProperty | Stores the information for a semantic property. |
ISpeechPhraseReplacement | specifies a replacement, or text normalization, of one or more spoken words in a recognition result. |
ISpeechPhraseReplacements | Represents a collection of ISpeechPhraseReplacement objects. |
ISpeechPhraseRule | Represents the part of a recognition result that returns information about the grammar rule that produced the recognition. |
ISpeechPhraseRules | Represents a collection of ISpeechPhraseRule objects. |
ISpeechRecoContext | Defines a recognition context. |
ISpeechRecoGrammar | Enables applications to manage the words and phrases for the SR engine. |
ISpeechRecoResult | Returns information about a recognition attempt. |
ISpeechRecoResult2 | Returns information about a recognition attempt. |
ISpeechRecoResultTimes | Contains the time information for speech recognition results. |
ISpeechRecognizer | Represents a speech recognition engine. |
ISpeechRecognizerStatus | Returns the status of the speech recognition (SR) engine represented by the recognizer object. |
ISpeechResourceLoader | Gives applications control over loading resources. |
ISpeechVoiceStatus | Defines the types of information returned by the SpVoice.Status method. |
ISpeechXMLRecoResult | Gets recognition results from the ISpXMLRecoResult as an SML document. |
SPSEMANTICFORMAT | Lists the various values of a grammar's tag-format attribute. |
SpAudioFormat | Represents an audio format. |
SpCustomStream | Supports the use of existing IStream objects in SAPI. |
SpFileStream | Enables data streams to be read and written as files. |
SpInProcRecoContext | Defines a recognition context. |
SpInProcRecognizer | Represents a speech recognition engine. |
SpLexicon | Provides access to lexicons. |
SpMMAudioIn | Supports audio implementation for the standard Windows wave-in multimedia layer. |
SpMMAudioOut | Supports audio implementation for the standard Windows wave-out multimedia layer. |
SpMemoryStream | Supports audio stream operations in memory. |
SpObjectToken | Represents an available resource of a type used by SAPI. |
SpObjectTokenCategory | Represents a class of object tokens. |
SpPhoneConverter | Supports conversion between phoneme symbols and phoneme IDs. |
SpPhraseInfoBuilder | Provides the ability to rebuild phrase information from audio data saved to memory. |
SpSharedRecoContext | Defines a recognition context. |
SpSharedRecognizer | Represents a speech recognition engine. |
SpTextSelectionInformation | Provides access to the text selection information pertaining to a word sequence buffer. |
SpUnCompressedLexicon | Provides access to lexicons, which contain information about words that can be recognized or spoken. |
SpVoice | The SpVoice object brings the text-to-speech (TTS) engine capabilities to applications using SAPI automation. |
SpWaveFormatEx | Represents the format of waveform-audio data. |
SpeechDiscardType | Lists flags indicating portions of a recognition result to be removed or eliminated once they are no longer needed. |
SpeechDisplayAttributes | Lists the possible ways of displaying a word. |
SpeechEmulationCompareFlags | Values of comparison options in emulation. |
SpeechLexiconType | Lists the allowed lexicon types. |
SpeechRecoEvents | Lists speech recognition (SR) events. |
SpeechRecognitionType | Lists the types of speech recognition. |
SpeechRuleAttributes | Lists the possible attributes of a grammar rule. |
SpeechVoiceEvents | Lists the types of events which a text-to-speech (TTS) engine can send to an SpVoice object. |
SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags | Lists flags that control the SpVoice.Speak method. |
SPCATEGORYTYPE | Lists the different states of Speech Recognizer as categories. |
SPXMLRESULTOPTIONS | Used to designate whether the main result or the alternates are desired. |
SpeechAudioFormatType | Lists the supported stream formats. |
SpeechAudioState | Lists the four possible audio input and output states. |
SpeechBookmarkOptions | Lists bookmark options. |
SpeechDataKeyLocation | Lists the top-level speech configuration database keys. |
SpeechEngineConfidence | Specifies levels of confidence. |
SpeechFormatType | Requests either the input format for the original audio source, or the format that actually arrives at the speech engine. |
SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitionType | Lists the types of transitions for the speech recognition engine. |
SpeechGrammarState | Lists the possible states of a speech grammar. |
SpeechGrammarWordType | The SpeechGrammarWordType enumeration lists the types of words in a grammar. |
SpeechInterference | Lists factors that can interfere with accurate recognition of speech input. |
SpeechLoadOption | Lists the options available when loading a speech grammar. |
SpeechPartOfSpeech | Lists the parts-of-speech categories used in SAPI. |
SpeechRecoContextState | Lists the states of a recognition context. |
SpeechRecognizerState | Lists the states of a Recognizer object. |
SpeechRetainedAudioOptions | lists the options for retaining data from an audio stream. |
SpeechRuleState | Lists the states of a speech grammar rule. |
SpeechRunState | Lists the running states of a TTS voice. |
SpeechSpecialTransitionType | Lists special transitions for the speech recognition engine. |
SpeechStreamFileMode | Lists the access modes of a file stream. |
SpeechStreamSeekPositionType | Lists the types of positioning from which a Seek method can be performed. |
SpeechTokenContext | Lists the context in which the code managing the newly created object runs. |
SpeechTokenShellFolder | Lists possible locations storing token information. |
SpeechVisemeFeature | Lists the features of phonemes and visemes. |
SpeechVisemeType | Lists the visemes supported by the SpVoice object. |
SpeechVoicePriority | Lists the possible Priority settings of an SpVoice object. |
SpeechWordPronounceable | Lists the possible return values from the |
SpeechWordType | Lists the change state of a word/pronunciation combination in a lexicon. |