enum classafFancomSapi::SpeechFormatType
sys::Obj sys::Enum afFancomSapi::SpeechFormatType
Serializable { simple=true }
Requests either the input format for the original audio source, or the format that actually arrives at the speech engine.
- SFTInput
const static SpeechFormatType SFTInput := ...
Request the format of the original audio input.
Value is 0 (0x0)
- SFTSREngine
const static SpeechFormatType SFTSREngine := ...
Request the format received by the SR engine.
Value is 1 (0x1)
- fromStr
static new fromStr(Str name, Bool checked := true)
Return the SpeechFormatType instance for the specified name. If not a valid name and checked is false return null, otherwise throw ParseErr.
- vals
const static SpeechFormatType[] vals := ...
List of SpeechFormatType values indexed by ordinal