using afIoc
using afIocConfig
using afMongo

** (Service) - 
** The main entry point into Morphia.
const mixin Morphia {

    ** The MongoDB database this 'Morphia' instance wraps. 
    ** By default the database is taken from the [MongoUrl]`MorphiaConfigIds.mongoUrl`. 
    abstract Database   database()
    ** Convenience / shorthand notation for 'datastore(entityType, database)'
    abstract Datastore get(Type entityType, Database? database := null)
    ** Returns a 'Datastore' instance for the given entity type.
    ** If 'database' is null, the default database from the Mongo connection url is used.
    abstract Datastore datastore(Type entityType, Database? database := null)
    ** Converts the given Mongo document to a Fantom entity instance.
    ** Convenience for 'Converters.toFantom(...)'
    abstract Obj fromMongoDoc(Type entityType, Str:Obj? mongoDoc)
    ** Converts the given entity instance to a Mongo document.
    ** Convenience for '(Str:Obj?) Converters.toMongo(...)' - note the cast.
    abstract Str:Obj? toMongoDoc(Type entityType, Obj? entity)

internal const class MorphiaImpl : Morphia {

    override const Database database
    @Inject private const Converters    converters
    @Inject private const Scope         scope

    private new make(Database database, |This|in) {
        this.database = database

    override Datastore get(Type entityType, Database? database := null) {
        datastore(entityType, database)
    override Datastore datastore(Type entityType, Database? database := null) {, [entityType, database ?: this.database])
    override Obj fromMongoDoc(Type entityType, Str:Obj? mongoDoc) {
        converters.toFantom(entityType, mongoDoc)
    override Str:Obj? toMongoDoc(Type entityType, Obj? entity) {
        converters.toMongo(entityType, entity)      