using concurrent::Actor
using concurrent::ActorPool
using concurrent::AtomicRef
using concurrent::AtomicBool
using afConcurrent::Synchronized
using afConcurrent::SynchronizedState

** Utility class that attaches to the drone's 'onVideoFrame()' event.
** Example usage:
**   syntax: fantom
**   VideoStreamer.toMp4File(`droneStunts.mp4`).attachToLiveStream(drone)
** Note some methods start and call out to an external [FFmpeg]`` process for 
** video processing. Whilst this works for the limited functionality of these methods, this class 
** is not meant to an all-encompassing FFmpeg wrapper.
** For ease of use, just put 'ffmpeg' in the same directory as your program. 
const class VideoStreamer {
    // FIXME move all data to sync state to prevent race conditions
    private const SynchronizedState         mutex
    private const AtomicRef                 pngImageRef          := AtomicRef(null)
    private const AtomicRef                 onPngImageRef        := AtomicRef(null)
    private const AtomicRef                 droneRef             := AtomicRef(null)
    private const AtomicRef                 oldVideoFrameHookRef := AtomicRef(null)
    private const AtomicRef                 oldDisconnectHookRef := AtomicRef(null)
    private const AtomicBool                attachedRef          := AtomicBool()
    private const AtomicBool                recordStreamRef      := AtomicBool()
    private const Synchronized?             pngEventThread

    ** The 'onVideoFrame()' listener for this streamer, should you wish to attach / call it yourself
    const |Buf, PaveHeader, Drone|          onVideoFrameListener := #onVideoFrame.func.bind([this])

    ** The 'onDisconnect()' listener for this streamer, should you wish to attach / call it yourself
    const |Bool, Drone|                     onDisconnectListener := #onDisconnect.func.bind([this])

    ** The output file that the video is saved to.
    ** Only available if this 'VideoSteamer' instance was initialised via [toRawFile()]`VideoStreamer.toRawFile` or 
    ** [toMp4File()]`VideoStreamer.toMp4File`. 
    const File? file
    ** Returns the latest PNG image from the video stream.
    ** Only available if this 'VideoSteamer' instance was initialised via [toPngImages()]`VideoStreamer.toPngImages`. 
    Buf? pngImage() {

    ** Event hook that's called when a new PNG image becomes available.
    ** Only available if this 'VideoSteamer' instance was initialised via [toPngImages()]`VideoStreamer.toPngImages`. 
    ** Throws 'NotImmutableErr' if the function is not immutable.
    ** Note this hook is called from a different Actor / thread to the one that sets it. 
    |Buf|? onPngImage {
        get { onPngImageRef.val }
        set { onPngImageRef.val = it?.toImmutable }
    private new make(|This| f) { f(this) }

    ** Saves raw video frames to the given file. Example:
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   VideoStreamer.toRawFile(`droneStunts.h264`).attachToLiveStream(drone)
    ** Note the video consists of raw H.264 codec frames and is not readily readable by anything 
    ** (with the exception of VLC, try saving the file with a '.h264' extension.)
    ** To wrap the file in a more usable '.mp4' container, try the following:
    **   C:\> ffmpeg -f h264 -i droneStunts.h264 -f mp4 -codec:v copy droneStunts.mp4
    ** The input URI is given a unique numerical suffix to prevent file from being overwritten.
    ** Example, 'drone.h264' may become 'drone-001F.h264'. See the `file` field to acquire the
    ** actual file created.
    ** Available options:
    ** pre>
    ** actorPool : (ActorPool) the ActorPool to use for thread processing
    **             Defaults to a new instance.
    ** <pre
    static VideoStreamer toRawFile(Uri outputFile, [Str:Obj]? options := null) {    
        if (outputFile.isDir)
            throw ArgErr("Output file is a directory: ${outputFile}")

        actorPool := options?.get("actorPool") ?: ActorPool()

        return VideoStreamer {
            it.file = addFileSuffix(outputFile)
            itFile := it.file
            it.mutex = SynchronizedState(actorPool) |->Obj| {
                VideoStreamerToH264File(itFile, false)

    ** Saves the video stream as the given MP4 file. Example:
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   VideoStreamer.toMp4File(`droneStunts.mp4`).attachToLiveStream(drone)
    ** Note this method starts an external FFmpeg process and pipes the raw video frames to it.
    ** FFmpeg then wraps the video in an MP4 container and writes the file.
    ** The input URI is given a unique numerical suffix to prevent file from being overwritten.
    ** Example, 'drone.mp4' may become 'drone-001F.mp4'. See the `file` field to acquire the
    ** actual file created.
    ** Available options:
    ** pre>
    ** ffmpegPath : (Uri) the location of the FFmpeg executable.
    **              Defaults to `ffmpeg.exe` on Windows, 'ffmpeg' otherwise.
    ** ffmpegArgs : (Str[]) an array of arguments for FFmpeg.
    **              Defaults to "-f h264 -i - -f mp4 -codec:v copy -movflags +faststart".split
    ** quiet      : (Bool) if true, then FFmpeg console output is suppressed.
    **              Defaults to false.
    ** actorPool  : (ActorPool) the ActorPool to use for thread processing
    **              Defaults to a new instance.
    ** <pre
    ** If no 'ffmpegPath' is given then FFmpeg is assumed to be in the current directory. 
    static VideoStreamer toMp4File(Uri outputFile, [Str:Obj]? options := null) {    
        if (outputFile.isDir)
            throw ArgErr("Output file is a directory: ${outputFile}")

        actorPool   := options?.get("actorPool")    ?: ActorPool() { = }
        ffmpegPath  := options?.get("ffmpegPath")   ?: (Env.cur.os == "win32" ? `ffmpeg.exe` : `ffmpeg`)
        ffmpegArgs  := options?.get("ffmpegArgs")   ?: "-f h264 -i - -f mp4 -codec:v copy -movflags +faststart".split
        quiet       := options?.get("quiet")        ?: false
        throttle    := options?.get("throttle")     ?: 200ms    // 5 times a second should be fine for console output
        return VideoStreamer {
            itFile := addFileSuffix(outputFile)
            it.file = itFile
            it.mutex = SynchronizedState(actorPool) |->Obj| {
                VideoStreamerToMp4File(ffmpegPath, ffmpegArgs, itFile, actorPool, throttle, quiet)

    ** Converts the video stream into a stream of PNG images. Example:
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   vs := VideoStreamer.toPngImages.attachToLiveStream(drone)
    **   vs.onPngImage = |Bug pngBuf| {
    **       echo("Got new image of size ${pngBuf.size}")
    **   }
    ** The `pngImage` field always contains the latest PNG image data.
    ** Use the [onPngImage()]`onPngImage` hook to be notified of new images.
    ** Note this method starts an external FFmpeg process and pipes the raw video frames to it.
    ** FFmpeg converts the video to PNG images and pipes it back to the 'VideoStreamer' instance.
    ** Available options:
    ** pre>
    ** ffmpegPath : (Uri) the location of the FFmpeg executable.
    **              Defaults to `ffmpeg.exe` on Windows, 'ffmpeg' otherwise.
    ** ffmpegArgs : (Str[]) an array of arguments for FFmpeg.
    **              Defaults to "-f h264 -i - -f image2pipe -codec:v png -".split
    ** frameRate  : (Int?) The frame rate FFmpeg should enforce.
    **              Defaults to null - same as video input.
    ** quiet      : (Bool) if true, then FFmpeg console output is suppressed.
    ** actorPool  : (ActorPool) the ActorPool to use for thread processing
    **              Defaults to a new instance.
    ** <pre
    ** If no 'ffmpegPath' is given then FFmpeg is assumed to be in the current directory. 
    static VideoStreamer toPngImages([Str:Obj]? options := null) {  
        actorPool   := options?.get("actorPool")    ?: ActorPool()
        ffmpegPath  := options?.get("ffmpegPath")   ?: (Env.cur.os == "win32" ? `ffmpeg.exe` : `ffmpeg`)
        ffmpegArgs  := options?.get("ffmpegArgs")   ?: "-f h264 -i - -f image2pipe -codec:v png -".split
        frameRate   := options?.get("frameRate")
        quiet       := options?.get("quiet")        ?: false
        throttle    := options?.get("throttle")     ?: 200ms    // 5 times a second should be fine for console output

        args := (Str[]) ffmpegArgs
        if (frameRate != null) {
            args =
        iArgs := args.toImmutable

        return VideoStreamer {
            vs := it
            it.pngEventThread = Synchronized(actorPool)
            it.mutex = SynchronizedState(actorPool) |->Obj| {
                VideoStreamerToPngEvents(ffmpegPath, iArgs, actorPool, throttle, quiet, #onNewPngImage.func.bind([vs]))

    ** Attaches this instance to the given drone and starts stream processing.
    ** This methods sets new 'onVideoFrame' and 'onDisconnect' hooks on the drone, but wraps any 
    ** existing hooks. Meaning any hooks that were set previously, still get called.
    This attachToLiveStream(Drone drone) {
        if (droneRef.val != null)
            throw Err("Already attached to ${droneRef.val}")
        droneRef.val = drone

        recordStreamRef.val = false
        oldVideoFrameHookRef.val = drone.onVideoFrame
        drone.onVideoFrame = |Buf payload, PaveHeader pave, Drone dron| {
            onVideoFrameListener(payload, pave, dron)
            ((Func?) oldVideoFrameHookRef.val)?.call(payload, pave, dron)
        oldDisconnectHookRef.val = drone.onDisconnect
        drone.onDisconnect = |Bool abnormal, Drone dron| {
            onDisconnectListener(abnormal, dron)
            ((Func?) oldDisconnectHookRef.val)?.call(abnormal, dron)

        // fire it up! Sync so we can receive any ctor errors
        mutex.sync |->| { }

        attachedRef.val = true
        return this
    ** Attaches this instance to the given drone and starts stream processing.
    ** This methods sets new 'onRecordFrame' and 'onDisconnect' hooks on the drone, but wraps any 
    ** existing hooks. Meaning any hooks that were set previously, still get called.
    ** Ensure you call 'Drone.startRecording()' before calling this.
    This attachToRecordStream(Drone drone) {
        if (droneRef.val != null)
            throw Err("Already attached to ${droneRef.val}")
        droneRef.val = drone

        recordStreamRef.val = true
        oldVideoFrameHookRef.val = drone.onRecordFrame
        drone.onRecordFrame = |Buf payload, PaveHeader pave, Drone dron| {
            onVideoFrameListener(payload, pave, dron)
            ((Func?) oldVideoFrameHookRef.val)?.call(payload, pave, dron)
        oldDisconnectHookRef.val = drone.onDisconnect
        drone.onDisconnect = |Bool abnormal, Drone dron| {
            onDisconnectListener(abnormal, dron)
            ((Func?) oldDisconnectHookRef.val)?.call(abnormal, dron)

        // fire it up! Sync so we can receive any ctor errors
        mutex.sync |->| { }

        attachedRef.val = true
        return this
    ** Reverts the 'onVideoFrame' and 'onDisconnect' hooks to what they were before 'attachTo()' 
    ** was called.
    ** Closes files and halts stream processing.
    Void detach() {
    private Void onVideoFrame(Buf payload, PaveHeader pave) {
        if (!
            mutex.withState |VideoStreamerImpl state| {
                state.onVideoFrame(payload, pave)
    private Void onDisconnect(Bool abnormal) {
        if (attachedRef.val.not) return
        if (!
            mutex.getState |VideoStreamerImpl state| {

        // revert the drone hooks
        drone := (Drone) droneRef.val
        if (recordStreamRef.val)
            drone.onRecordFrame = oldVideoFrameHookRef.val
            drone.onVideoFrame = oldVideoFrameHookRef.val
        drone.onDisconnect = oldDisconnectHookRef.val

        // only stop *our* ActorPools
        if ( ==
    private Void onNewPngImage(Buf buf) {
        pngEventThread.async |->| {
            callSafe(onPngImage, [buf])
    private File addFileSuffix(Uri fileLocation) {
        origFile := fileLocation.toFile.normalize
        index    := 0
        file     := null as File
        while (file == null || file.exists) {
            file = origFile.parent + (`${origFile.basename}-${index.toHex(4).upper}.${origFile.ext}`)
        return file
    private Void callSafe(Func? f, Obj[]? args) {
        try f?.callList(args)
        catch (Err err)

internal mixin VideoStreamerImpl {
    abstract Void onVideoFrame(Buf payload, PaveHeader pave)
    abstract Void onDisconnect(Bool abnormal)

internal class VideoStreamerToH264File : VideoStreamerImpl {
    private static const Log log := VideoStreamer#.pod.log
    OutStream   out

    new make(File file, Bool append) {
        this.out = file.out(append)"Streaming video to ${file.normalize.osPath}")
    override Void onVideoFrame(Buf payload, PaveHeader pave) {

    override Void onDisconnect(Bool abnormal) {

internal class VideoStreamerToMp4File : VideoStreamerImpl {
    private static const Log log := VideoStreamer#.pod.log
    Process2    ffmpegProcess

    new make(Uri ffmpegPath, Str[] ffmpegArgs, File output, ActorPool actorPool, Duration throttle, Bool quiet) {
        ffmpegFile := ffmpegPath.toFile.normalize
        if (!ffmpegFile.exists)
            throw IOErr("${ffmpegFile.osPath} does not exist")

        // kick off an ffmpeg process
        ffmpegArgs =
        ffmpegArgs.insert(0, ffmpegFile.osPath)
        ffmpegProcess = Process2(ffmpegArgs) {
            it.actorPool = actorPool
            it.mergeErr = false

        ffmpegProcess.pipeFromStdOut(quiet ? null : Env.cur.out, throttle)
        ffmpegProcess.pipeFromStdErr(quiet ? null : Env.cur.err, throttle)
       "Streaming video to ${output.normalize.osPath}")       
    override Void onVideoFrame(Buf payload, PaveHeader pave) {
        if (ffmpegProcess.isRunning)

    override Void onDisconnect(Bool abnormal) {

internal class VideoStreamerToPngEvents : VideoStreamerImpl {
    private static const Log log := VideoStreamer#.pod.log
    Process2    ffmpegProcess
    |Buf|       onNewPngImage

    new make(Uri ffmpegPath, Str[] ffmpegArgs, ActorPool actorPool, Duration throttle, Bool quiet, |Buf| onNewPngImage) {
        this.onNewPngImage = onNewPngImage
        ffmpegFile := ffmpegPath.toFile.normalize
        if (!ffmpegFile.exists)
            throw IOErr("${ffmpegFile.osPath} does not exist")

        // kick off an ffmpeg process
        ffmpegArgs =
        ffmpegArgs.insert(0, ffmpegFile.osPath)
        ffmpegProcess = Process2(ffmpegArgs) {
            it.actorPool = actorPool
            it.mergeErr = false
        ffmpegProcess.pipeFromStdErr(quiet ? null : Env.cur.err, throttle)

        // kick off a thread to read data from the ffmpeg output
        pngReaderThread := Synchronized(actorPool)
        processRef      := Unsafe(ffmpegProcess)
        pngReaderThread.async |->| {
            process     := (Process2) processRef.val
            inStream    := process.stdOut
            while (process.isAlive) {
                pngBuf := readPng(inStream)
                if (pngBuf != null) {
                    pngBuf = null
        return this
    override Void onVideoFrame(Buf payload, PaveHeader pave) {

    override Void onDisconnect(Bool abnormal) {
    static Void main(Str[] args) {
        in := `file:/C:/Projects/Fantom-Factory/FormBean/doc/icon.png`
        out := readPng(in)
    ** Luckily, the PNG format is easy to read and easy to find the end of and image.
    static Buf? readPng(InStream in) {
        pngMagicNum := 0x89_50_4E_47_0D_0A_1A_0A
        try {
            pngBuf := Buf() { endian = Endian.big }
            bufMagicNum := in.readS8
            if (bufMagicNum != pngMagicNum)
                log.warn("Invalid PNG Magic Num: 0x${bufMagicNum}")
            pngEnd := false
            while (!pngEnd) {
                chunkSize   := in.readU4
                chunkType   := in.readChars(4)
                in.readBufFully(pngBuf, chunkSize + 4).seek(pngBuf.size)    // 4 bytes = CRC
                pngEnd      = (chunkType == "IEND")                         // 0x "49 45 4e 44"
            return pngBuf.flip

        } catch (IOErr ioe) {
            // meh - we usually get 'Unexpected end of stream' when then FFMPEG is killed
        } catch (Err err) {
            log.err("VideoStreamerToPngEvents - ${err.typeof} - ${err.msg}")
        return null