** (Advanced)
** Represents a low level AT command to send to the drone. 
** See [Drone.sendCmd()]`Drone.sendCmd`. 
const class Cmd {
    const Str?  id
    const Obj[] params

    ** (Advanced) Creates a Cmd with the given id and params.
    ** Param values must be either an 'Int', 'Float', or 'Str'.
    new make(Str id, Obj[] params) {     = id
        this.params = params
    // ---- Cmd Factories ----
    ** Makes a 'CALIB' cmd. 
    static Cmd makeCalib(Int deviceNum) {
        Cmd("CALIB", [deviceNum])
    ** Makes a 'CONFIG' cmd with the given name / value pair. 
    ** 'value' may be a Bool, Int, Float, Str, or a List of any.
    static Cmd makeConfig(Str name, Obj value) {
        Cmd("CONFIG", [name.lower, encodeConfigParams(value)])
    ** Makes a 'CONFIG_IDS' cmd with the given IDs. 
    static Cmd makeConfigIds(Int sessionId, Int userId, Int applicationId) {
        Cmd("CONFIG_IDS", [sessionId.toHex(8).upper, userId.toHex(8).upper, applicationId.toHex(8).upper])

    ** Makes a 'CTRL' cmd.
    ** Possible states of the drone 'control' thread.
    ** pre>
    ** typedef enum {
    **   NO_CONTROL_MODE = 0,          /*<! Doing nothing */
    **   ARDRONE_UPDATE_CONTROL_MODE,  /*<! Not used */
    **   PIC_UPDATE_CONTROL_MODE,      /*<! Not used */
    **   LOGS_GET_CONTROL_MODE,        /*<! Not used */
    **   CFG_GET_CONTROL_MODE,         /*<! Send active configuration file to a client through the 'control' socket UDP 5559 */
    **   ACK_CONTROL_MODE,             /*<! Reset command mask in navdata */
    **   CUSTOM_CFG_GET_CONTROL_MODE   /*<! Requests the list of custom configuration IDs */
    ** <pre
    static Cmd makeCtrl(Int controlMode, Int otherMode) {
        Cmd("CTRL", [controlMode, otherMode])
    ** Makes a 'REF' cmd.
    static Cmd makeEmergency() {
    ** Makes a 'FTRIM' cmd.
    static Cmd makeFlatTrim() {
        Cmd("FTRIM", Obj#.emptyList)
    ** Makes a 'PCMD' cmd.
    static Cmd makeHover() {
        makePcmd(0, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)
    ** Makes a 'COMWDG' cmd.
    static Cmd makeKeepAlive() {
        Cmd("COMWDG", Obj#.emptyList)

    ** Makes a 'REF' cmd.
    static Cmd makeLand() {

    ** Makes an 'ANIM' cmd.
    static Cmd makePlayAnim(Int animNo, Duration duration) {
        Cmd("ANIM", [animNo, duration.toMillis])
    ** Makes a 'LED' cmd.
    static Cmd makePlayLed(Int animNo, Float frequency, Duration duration) {
        Cmd("LED", [animNo, frequency, duration.toMillis])
    ** Makes a 'PCMD' or 'PCMD_MAG' cmd.
    static Cmd makeMove(Float leftRightTilt, Float frontBackTilt, Float verticalSpeed, Float angularSpeed, Bool combinedYawMode, Bool absoluteMode, Float? absAngle, Float? absAccuracy) {
        mode := 1
        if (combinedYawMode)
            mode = mode.or(0x2)
        if (absoluteMode) {
            mode = mode.or(0x4)
            return makePcmdMag(mode, leftRightTilt, frontBackTilt, verticalSpeed, angularSpeed, absAngle, absAccuracy)
        return makePcmd(mode, leftRightTilt, frontBackTilt, verticalSpeed, angularSpeed)

    ** Makes a 'REF' cmd.
    static Cmd makeTakeOff() {

    // ---- 

    ** Makes a 'REF' cmd.
    private static Cmd makeRef(Int val) {
        Cmd("REF", [val.or(1.shiftl(18)).or(1.shiftl(20)).or(1.shiftl(22)).or(1.shiftl(24)).or(1.shiftl(28))])

    ** Makes a 'PCMD' cmd.
    private static Cmd makePcmd(Int mode, Float leftRightTilt, Float frontBackTilt, Float verticalSpeed, Float angularSpeed) {
        Cmd("PCMD", [mode, leftRightTilt, frontBackTilt, verticalSpeed, angularSpeed])
    ** Makes a 'PCMD_MAG' cmd.
    private static Cmd makePcmdMag(Int mode, Float leftRightTilt, Float frontBackTilt, Float verticalSpeed, Float angularSpeed, Float absAngle, Float absAccuracy) {
        Cmd("PCMD_MAG", [mode, leftRightTilt, frontBackTilt, verticalSpeed, angularSpeed, absAngle, absAccuracy])
    // ---- 
    ** Returns the cmd string to send to the drone.
    Str cmdStr(Int seq) {
            ? "AT*${id}=${seq}\r"
            : "AT*${id}=${seq},${encodeParams(params)}\r"
    internal static Str encodeParams(Obj[] params) {
        params.join(",") |p->Str| {
            if (p is Int)   return ((Int  ) p).toStr
            if (p is Float) return ((Float) p).bits32.toStr
            if (p is Str)   return ((Str  ) p).toCode('"')
            throw ArgErr("Param should be an Int, Float, or Str - not ${p.typeof} -> ${p}")

    internal static Str encodeConfigParams(Obj? val) {
        if (val is List)
            val = ((List) val).join(",") { encodeConfigParam(it) }
        return encodeConfigParam(val)
    internal static Str encodeConfigParam(Obj? p) {
        if (p is Bool)  return ((Bool ) p).toStr.upper
        if (p is Int)   return ((Int  ) p).toStr
        if (p is Float) return ((Float) p).bits32.toStr
        if (p is Str)   return ((Str  ) p)
        throw ArgErr("Param should be a Bool, Int, Float, or Str - not ${p?.typeof} -> ${p}")
    ** Returns the `cmdStr` with a seq of '0'.
    override Str toStr() { cmdStr(0) }