const classcamAxonPlugin::Ref
sys::Obj camAxonPlugin::Ref : camAxonPlugin::RecId
Serializable { simple=true }
Ref is used to model a record identifier and optional display string.
- defVal
const static Ref defVal := nullRef
Default is nullRef
- dis
Str dis()
- disVal
Str? disVal()
Optional display string for what the identifier references or null.
- equals
virtual override Bool equals(Obj? that)
Equality is based on id only (not dis).
- fromStr
static new fromStr(Str id)
Make with simple id
- gen
static Ref gen()
Generate a unique Ref.
- hash
virtual override Int hash()
Hash id
- id
Str id()
Identifier which does not include the leading
- isIdChar
static Bool isIdChar(Int char)
Is the given character a valid id char:
_ : - . ~
- isNull
virtual override Bool isNull()
Null ref has id value of "null"?
- make
static new make(Str id, Str? dis)
Construct with id string and optional display string.
- makeWithDis
static new makeWithDis(Ref ref, Str? dis := null)
Construct with Ref id string and optional display string.
- nullRef
const static Ref nullRef := Ref.<ctor>("null")
Null ref is "@null"
- toCode
Str toCode()
Return "@id"
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()