sys::Obj afFancomSapi::ISpeechRecoContext
Defines a recognition context.
@clsid {580AA49D-7E1E-4809-B8E2-57DA806104B8}
- allowVoiceFormatMatchingOnNextSet
Bool? allowVoiceFormatMatchingOnNextSet
Determines if the recognition context can change the voice format to match that of the engine.
- audioInputInterferenceStatus
SpeechInterference? audioInputInterferenceStatus { private set }
- bookmark
Void bookmark(SpeechBookmarkOptions? options, Variant? streamPos, Variant? bookmarkId)
Sets a bookmark within the current recognition stream.
- cmdMaxAlternates
Int? cmdMaxAlternates
Specifies the maximum number of alternates that will be generated for command and control grammars.
- createGrammar
ISpeechRecoGrammar? createGrammar(Variant? grammarId := Variant.<ctor>(0))
Creates an SpGrammar object.
- createResultFromMemory
ISpeechRecoResult? createResultFromMemory(Variant? resultBlock)
Creates a recognition result object from a phrase that has been saved to memory.
- eventInterests
SpeechRecoEvents? eventInterests
Specifies the types of events raised by the object.
- makeFromDispatch
new makeFromDispatch(Dispatch dispatch)
- pause
Void pause()
Pauses the engine object to synchronize with the speech recognition (SR) engine.
- recognizer
ISpeechRecognizer? recognizer { private set }
Identifies the recognizer associated with the recognition context.
- requestedUIType
Str? requestedUIType { private set }
Specifies the UIType of the last UI requested from the engine.
- resume
Void resume()
Releases the speech recognition (SR) engine from the paused state and restarts the recognition process.
- retainedAudio
SpeechRetainedAudioOptions? retainedAudio
Gets and sets the audio retention status of the recognition context.
- retainedAudioFormat
SpAudioFormat? retainedAudioFormat
Gets and sets the format of audio retained by the recognition context.
- setAdaptationData
Void setAdaptationData(Str? adaptationString)
Passes the SR engine a string of adaptation data.
- state
SpeechRecoContextState? state
Gets or sets the active state of the recognition context.
- voice
SpVoice? voice
Specifies the SpVoice object associated with the recognition context.
- voicePurgeEvent
SpeechRecoEvents? voicePurgeEvent
Gets and sets the collection of SpeechRecoEvents which will stop the voice and purge the voice queue.
- withEvents