using afFancom::Dispatch
using afFancom::Variant

** Represents an audio format.
** ``
** @clsid {9EF96870-E160-4792-820D-48CF0649E4EC}
class SpAudioFormat {
    internal Dispatch dispatch
    static const Str progId := "SAPI.SpAudioFormat"

    new makeFromProgId() {
        this.dispatch = Dispatch.makeFromProgId(progId)
    new makeFromDispatch(Dispatch dispatch) {
        this.dispatch = dispatch

    // ---- Properties ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ** Returns the GUID of the default format.
    Str? guid {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("Guid").asStr }
        set { dispatch.setProperty("Guid", it) }

    ** Gets and sets the speech audio format as a SpeechAudioFormatType.
    SpeechAudioFormatType? type {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("Type").asEnum(SpeechAudioFormatType#) }
        set { dispatch.setProperty("Type", it) }

    // ---- Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ** Gets the audio format as an 'SpWaveFormatEx' object.
    SpWaveFormatEx? getWaveFormatEx() {"GetWaveFormatEx").asType(SpWaveFormatEx#)

    ** Sets the audio format with an 'SpWaveFormatEx' object.
    Void setWaveFormatEx(SpWaveFormatEx? waveFormatEx) {"SetWaveFormatEx", waveFormatEx)