using afFancom::Dispatch
using afFancom::Variant

** Represents an available resource of a type used by SAPI.
** ``
** @clsid {EF411752-3736-4CB4-9C8C-8EF4CCB58EFE}
class SpObjectToken {
    internal Dispatch dispatch
    static const Str progId := "SAPI.SpObjectToken"

    new makeFromProgId() {
        this.dispatch = Dispatch.makeFromProgId(progId)
    new makeFromDispatch(Dispatch dispatch) {
        this.dispatch = dispatch

    // ---- Properties ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ** Returns the category of the object token .
    SpObjectTokenCategory? category {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("Category").asType(SpObjectTokenCategory#) }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the data key of the object token as an 'ISpeechDataKey' object.
    ISpeechDataKey? dataKey {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("DataKey").asType(ISpeechDataKey#) }
        private set { }

    ** Returns the ID of the token.
    Str? id {
        get { dispatch.getProperty("Id").asStr }
        private set { }

    // ---- Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ** Can not map 'VT_UNKNOWN' to a Fantom type
    ** VT_UNKNOWN createInstance

    ** Can not map 'VT_UNKNOWN' to a Fantom type
    ** Void displayUI

    ** Returns the value of the specified attribute.
    Str? getAttribute(Str? attributeName) {"GetAttribute", attributeName).asStr

    ** Returns the name of the resource represented by the object token.
    Str? getDescription(Int? locale := 0) {"GetDescription", locale).asStr

    ** Creates a storage file for data associated with the object token.
    Str? getStorageFileName(Str? objectStorageCLSID, Str? keyName, Str? fileName, SpeechTokenShellFolder? folder) {"GetStorageFileName", objectStorageCLSID, keyName, fileName, folder).asStr

    ** Can not map 'VT_UNKNOWN' to a Fantom type
    ** Bool isUISupported

    ** Indicates whether the token matches specified attributes.
    Bool? matchesAttributes(Str? attributes) {"MatchesAttributes", attributes).asBool

    ** Removes the token from the speech configuration database.
    Void remove(Str? objectStorageCLSID) {"Remove", objectStorageCLSID)

    ** Removes a storage file associated with the object token.
    Void removeStorageFileName(Str? objectStorageCLSID, Str? keyName, Bool? deleteFile) {"RemoveStorageFileName", objectStorageCLSID, keyName, deleteFile)

    ** Associates a new object token with a resource by setting its ID property.
    Void setId(Str? id, Str? categoryID := "", Bool? createIfNotExist := false) {"SetId", id, categoryID, createIfNotExist)