using afFancom::Dispatchusing afFancom::Variant** Represents a class of object tokens. Object tokens are associated with specific folders in the ** Speech configuration database, and these folders are organized into categories, such as ** Recognizers, AudioInputs and Voices. An SpObjectTokenCategory object represents a single **category of object tokens, and provides access to all the tokens within that category.** ** Applications can derive the category of an initialized 'SpObjectToken' object from its Category ** property, or they can create a new 'SpObjectTokenCategory' object and use the SetId method to ** associate it with a particular category.** ** ``** ** @clsid {A910187F-0C7A-45AC-92CC-59EDAFB77B53}class SpObjectTokenCategory {internal Dispatch dispatchstaticconst Str progId := "SAPI.SpObjectTokenCategory"new makeFromProgId(){this.dispatch = Dispatch.makeFromProgId(progId)}new makeFromDispatch(Dispatch dispatch){this.dispatch = dispatch}// ---- Properties ----------------------------------------------------------------------------** The ID of the default token in the category.** ** The ID of the object is the path to its folder within the Speech configuration database. Str? default_ { get { dispatch.getProperty("Default").asStr } set { dispatch.setProperty("Default", it)}}** Returns the name of the object token category. Str? id { get { dispatch.getProperty("Id").asStr }private set {}}// ---- Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------** Returns a selection of SpObjectToken objects. ISpeechObjectTokens? enumerateTokens(Str? requiredAttributes := "", Str? optionalAttributes := ""){"EnumerateTokens", requiredAttributes, optionalAttributes).asType(ISpeechObjectTokens#)}** Returns the data key of the category in the speech configuration database. ISpeechDataKey? getDataKey(SpeechDataKeyLocation? location := SpeechDataKeyLocation.SDKLDefaultLocation){"GetDataKey", location).asType(ISpeechDataKey#)}** Sets the ID of the category. Void setId(Str? id, Bool? createIfNotExist := false){"SetId", id, createIfNotExist)}}