using afFancom::Variant** Lists the parts-of-speech categories used in SAPI.** ** ``enum class SpeechPartOfSpeech {** Indicates that the part of speech already present in the lexicon should not be overridden.** ** Value is -1 (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) SPSNotOverriden(-1),** Indicates that the part of speech is unknown and is probably from the user lexicon.** ** Value is 0 (0x0) SPSUnknown(0),** Indicates that the part of speech is a noun.** ** Value is 4096 (0x1000) SPSNoun(4096),** Indicates that the part of speech is a verb.** ** Value is 8192 (0x2000) SPSVerb(8192),** Indicates that the part of speech is a modifier.** ** Value is 12288 (0x3000) SPSModifier(12288),** Indicates that the part of speech is a function.** ** Value is 16384 (0x4000) SPSFunction(16384),** Indicates that the part of speech is an interjection.** ** Value is 20480 (0x5000) SPSInterjection(20480),** Value is 28672 (0x7000) SPSLMA(28672),** Marks works in the user lexicon as not to be recognized. Essentially, this removes words from the vocabulary.** ** Value is 61440 (0xF000) SPSSuppressWord(61440);const Int valueprivatenew make(Int value){this.value = value}// ---- Variant Surrogate Methods -------------------------------------------------------------static SpeechPartOfSpeech fromVariant(Variant variant){ varVal := variant.asIntreturn SpeechPartOfSpeech.vals.find {it.value == varVal} ?: throw Err("Could not find SpeechPartOfSpeech with value '$varVal'")} Variant toFancom(){ Variant(value)}}