using afFancom::Flag
using afFancom::Variant

** Lists speech recognition (SR) events.
** ``
const class SpeechRecoEvents : Flag {

    ** SR engine has reached the end of an input stream.
    ** Value is 1 (0x1)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SREStreamEnd := SpeechRecoEvents(1, "SREStreamEnd")

    ** SR engine has detected the start of non-trivial audio data.
    ** Value is 2 (0x2)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SRESoundStart := SpeechRecoEvents(2, "SRESoundStart")

    ** SR engine has detected the end of non-trivial audio data.
    ** Value is 4 (0x4)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SRESoundEnd := SpeechRecoEvents(4, "SRESoundEnd")

    ** SR engine has detected the start of a recognizable phrase.
    ** Value is 8 (0x8)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SREPhraseStart := SpeechRecoEvents(8, "SREPhraseStart")

    ** SR engine's best hypothesis for the audio data.
    ** Value is 16 (0x10)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SRERecognition := SpeechRecoEvents(16, "SRERecognition")

    ** SR engine's interim hypothesis for the result of the audio data.
    ** Value is 32 (0x20)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SREHypothesis := SpeechRecoEvents(32, "SREHypothesis")

    ** SR engine has reached the specified point in the audio stream.
    ** Value is 64 (0x40)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SREBookmark := SpeechRecoEvents(64, "SREBookmark")

    ** LPARAM points to a string WPARAM that is the attribute value.
    ** Value is 128 (0x80)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SREPropertyNumChange := SpeechRecoEvents(128, "SREPropertyNumChange")

    ** LPARAM pointer to a buffer. Two concatenated null-terminated strings.
    ** Value is 256 (0x100)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SREPropertyStringChange := SpeechRecoEvents(256, "SREPropertyStringChange")

    ** Apparent speech with no valid recognition.
    ** Value is 512 (0x200)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SREFalseRecognition := SpeechRecoEvents(512, "SREFalseRecognition")

    ** LPARAM is any combination of SpeechInterference flags.
    ** Value is 1024 (0x400)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SREInterference := SpeechRecoEvents(1024, "SREInterference")

    ** LPARAM is string.
    ** Value is 2048 (0x800)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SRERequestUI := SpeechRecoEvents(2048, "SRERequestUI")

    ** WPARAM contains new recognition state.
    ** Value is 4096 (0x1000)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SREStateChange := SpeechRecoEvents(4096, "SREStateChange")

    ** The adaptation buffer is now ready to be accepted.
    ** Value is 8192 (0x2000)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SREAdaptation := SpeechRecoEvents(8192, "SREAdaptation")

    ** SR engine has reached the start of an input stream.
    ** Value is 16384 (0x4000)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SREStreamStart := SpeechRecoEvents(16384, "SREStreamStart")

    ** Phrase finished and recognized but for other context.
    ** Value is 32768 (0x8000)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SRERecoOtherContext := SpeechRecoEvents(32768, "SRERecoOtherContext")

    ** Input audio volume level
    ** Value is 65536 (0x10000)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SREAudioLevel := SpeechRecoEvents(65536, "SREAudioLevel")

    ** Private engine-specific event.
    ** Value is 262144 (0x40000)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SREPrivate := SpeechRecoEvents(262144, "SREPrivate")

    ** All events listed above. 
    ** Value is 393215 (0x5FFFF)
    static const SpeechRecoEvents SREAllEvents := SpeechRecoEvents(393215, "SREAllEvents")

    new make(|This|? f := null) : super(f) { }
    new makeFromVariant(Variant variant) : super(variant) { }
    new makeFromDefinition(Int flag, Str? name := null) : super(flag, name) { }
