using afFancom::Variant** Lists the context in which the code managing the newly created object runs.** ** ``enum class SpeechTokenContext {** Creates and manages objects in the same process as the caller of the function.** ** Value is 1 (0x1) STCInprocServer(1),** Creates and manages objects as an in process (InProc) handler. This is a DLL running in the ** client process and implements client-side structures of this class when instances are ** accessed remotely.** ** Value is 2 (0x2) STCInprocHandler(2),** Creates and manages objects that are loaded in a separate process space; that is, it runs on ** same computer but in a different process.** ** Value is 4 (0x4) STCLocalServer(4),** Creates and manages objects on a remote machine context.** ** Value is 16 (0x10) STCRemoteServer(16),** Creates and manages objects for all class contexts.** ** Value is 23 (0x17) STCAll(23);const Int valueprivatenew make(Int value){this.value = value}// ---- Variant Surrogate Methods -------------------------------------------------------------static SpeechTokenContext fromVariant(Variant variant){ varVal := variant.asIntreturn SpeechTokenContext.vals.find {it.value == varVal} ?: throw Err("Could not find SpeechTokenContext with value '$varVal'")} Variant toFancom(){ Variant(value)}}