enum classafFancomSapi::SpeechRuleState
sys::Obj sys::Enum afFancomSapi::SpeechRuleState
Serializable { simple=true }
Lists the states of a speech grammar rule.
- SGDSActive
const static SpeechRuleState SGDSActive := ...
Grammar rule is active. Value is 1 (0x1)
- SGDSActiveUserDelimited
const static SpeechRuleState SGDSActiveUserDelimited := ...
Indicates that the audio will start when the user starts speaking, and will end when the user stops speaking. Value is 4 (0x4)
- SGDSActiveWithAutoPause
const static SpeechRuleState SGDSActiveWithAutoPause := ...
SR engine will be placed in a paused state when the grammar rule is recognised. Value is 3 (0x3)
- SGDSInactive
const static SpeechRuleState SGDSInactive := ...
Grammar rule is inactive. Value is 0 (0x0)
- fromStr
static new fromStr(Str name, Bool checked := true)
Return the SpeechRuleState instance for the specified name. If not a valid name and checked is false return null, otherwise throw ParseErr.
- fromVariant
static SpeechRuleState fromVariant(Variant variant)
- toFancom
Variant toFancom()
- vals
const static SpeechRuleState[] vals := ...
List of SpeechRuleState values indexed by ordinal
- value
const Int value