using afFancom::Variant** Lists the states of a speech grammar rule.** ** ``enum class SpeechRuleState {** Grammar rule is inactive.** Value is 0 (0x0) SGDSInactive(0),** Grammar rule is active.** Value is 1 (0x1) SGDSActive(1),** SR engine will be placed in a paused state when the grammar rule is recognised.** Value is 3 (0x3) SGDSActiveWithAutoPause(3),** Indicates that the audio will start when the user starts speaking, and will end when the ** user stops speaking. ** Value is 4 (0x4) SGDSActiveUserDelimited(4);const Int valueprivatenew make(Int value){this.value = value}// ---- Variant Surrogate Methods -------------------------------------------------------------static SpeechRuleState fromVariant(Variant variant){ varVal := variant.asIntreturn SpeechRuleState.vals.find {it.value == varVal} ?: throw Err("Could not find SpeechRuleState with value '$varVal'")} Variant toFancom(){ Variant(value)}}